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Sejak jatuhnya suharto, beberapa komite aksi menyadari kebutuhan sebuahorganisasi perjuangan yang bergerak secara nasional menyatukan perlawanan mahasiswa bersama rakyat secara sistematis dan terprogram. Komite-komite aksi tersebut, terdiri dari 11 buah termasuk dari Timor Leste, kemudian mendirikan Front Nasional untuk Reformasi Total (FNRT) di pertengahan Mei 1998. Namun usia Front tidaklah panjang. Dii pertengahan 1998 FNRT bubar ditengah Kelesuan dan kebimbangan gerakan, meski komite-komite yang bergabung didalamnya mencoba membentuk lagi sebuah organisasi nasional bernama Alansi Demokratik (ALDEM) pada Agustus 1998. Mereka juga telah berhasil menerbitkan sebuah majalah “ALDEM” satu kali dan menggalang sebuah aksi nasional pada tanggal 14 September 1998 dengan isu Cabut Dwi Fungsi ABRI. Namun nasibnya tak jauh berbeda dengan FNRT, tenggelam di tengah hiruk pikuk gerakan menjelang Sidang Istimewa MPR 1998.Upaya berikutnya adalah pembentukan Front Nasional untuk Demokrasi (FONDASI) pada pertengahan Februari 1999. Buntunya RMNI (Rembug Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia) II di Surabaya dalam persoalan pengambilan momentum Pemilu Juni 1999, memaksa Fondasi untuk mengundang berbagai komite aksi untuk hadir dalam Konggres Mahasiswa di Bogor pada 9-12 Juli 1999. Dari 20 komite aksi yang berasal dari berbagai kota di Indonesia, 19 diantaranya sepakat untuk mendirikan sebuah organisasi nasional demi terwujudnya kesatuan perjuangan gerakan secara nasional. Organisasi tersebut bernama Liga Mahasiswa Nasional Untuk Demokrasi disingkat LMND. Kongres I tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa Perjuangan LMND adalah bagian dari Perjuangan rakyat Indonesia dalam rangka menghancurkan sistem yang anti demokrasi dan mewujudkan masyarakat yang demokratis dan berkeadilan sosial. Tujuan itu juga dinyatakan dalam ideologi organisasi yang disebut demokrasi kerakyatan, yang secara teori dan praktek berpihak kepada mayoritas raakyat, yaitu kaum buruh ,tani dan kaum miskin kota. Hingga sekarang pasca Kongres ke IV LMND telah berdiri di 104 kota di Indonesia.

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Indonesia: Students launch nationalisation campaign

By Katarina Pujiastuti

March 1, 2008 -- Beginning last Monday, the National Student League for Democracy (LMND) held two-day demonstrations in Jakarta to campaign for the nationalisation of oil, gas and mining industries. On the first day, about 150 students representing several campuses in Java and Sumatra protested against ExxonMobil in front of the commercial building that houses its headquarters.

The richest energy company was targeted because it recently attacked Chavez's anti-imperialist government by taking legal action to freeze the assets of the Venezuelan state's oil company, PDVSA. ``Therefore, LMND made a good decision in protesting in front of Exxon's headquarters, as the company rightly symbolises foreign corporation in the extractive sector'', said Rudi Hartono, an LMND leader.

ExxonMobil is just one of the dozens of foreign companies that exploit 92% of Indonesia's hydrocarbon and mineral wealth. Central Java LMND's chairperson, Maman, said that "It is so unjust that ExxonMobil gained US$40.6 billion yearly profit while almost 3 billion people in the world live in poverty and at least 25,600
children die each day from malnutrition.''

Some protesters carried placards with pictures of [Cuba's Fidel, Venezuela's President Chavez and Bolivia's President Evo Morales, along with Indonesia's former left nationalist President, Sukarno, with the slogan ``Nationalise oil, gas, and mining industries for free and quality education!''

LMND's General Chairperson Lalu Hilman Afriandi mentioned in his speech that ``millions of Indonesian school-age children have dropped out due to lack of funds; the Indonesian poor are more and more denied
access to affordable education.''

The protest was ended by reading the ``proclamation of national liberation'', an assertion to multinationals to respect and acknowledge national sovereignty as well as a declaration of genuine political-economic independence modeled on the country's anti-colonial ``proclamation of independence'' of 1945.

The next day, 130 LMND activists marched to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to protest the government's continuing submission to the interests of multinationals

Furthermore, a range of legislation has opened the door for more plundering of the country's wealth by foreign interests.The Hydrocarbon Law (2001), for instance, stripped bare the state's sovereignty on the management of hydrocarbon compared to the earlier legislation of the 1960s, therefore contradicting Article 33 of the constitution that states that natural resources ``shall be controlled by the state and shall be used for the greatest welfare of the people''.

Some representatives of LMND's national executive entered the ministry's office to deliver an open letter demanding the revocation of such legislation; and the restructuring of all oil, gas, and mining deals
with foreign companies on the basis of:

1. The fulfillment of domestic energy needs

2. Increase of state ownership (divest shares belonging to foreign companies)

3. Increase of state revenue by raising the state's royalties and cutting cost recovery value.

The purpose of these demands is to educate that Indonesia must immediately ``change its course'' to reject neocolonialism and imperialism.

``This is just a prelude of the people's movement to nationalise the extractive industries", said the the action coordinator. ``LMND will continue to protest foreign companies' offices in every region.''

Nationalisation is one of the three main programs of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas), the political party that LMND built with other organisations to contest in the 2009 election; cancellation of foreign debt and national industrialisation constitute the second and third programs.

According to Papernas' monthly publication, Berdikari (http://papernas.org/berdikari) -- a popular acronym meaning self-sufficiency, coined by Sukarno -- the campaign for the three main programs (nicknamed the Three Banners (Tripanji) is politically aimed at polarising the political currents leading to the election -- showing them to be pro or anti foreign oppression.

``The Parliament has just introduced one of the toughest electoral verification systems in the world to strengthen the position of the big ruling parties and to establish two-party democracy by excluding the
left'', explained Katarina Pujiastuti, Papernas' International Officer.

``Despite these immense obstacles and several attacks from militarily organised 'anti-communist' right-wing groups and thugs'', she continued. ``Papernas is committed to intervening in the election to offer
alternatives to the people and to rally against the neo-colonialism and imperialism that have caused profound crises in people's livelihood.''

Also on February 25 about 100 students from LMND North Moluccas, together with several other organisations (GAMHAS Ternate, LISMI Ternate, and SLAVERY University Hairun), carried out a street demonstration in the heart of the Ternate City. The action lasted four hours and its route went pass the offices of the Governor of the North Moluccas, Gedung DPRD North Moluccas, and the offices Radio Republic of Indonesia.

Apart from demanding the nationalisation of foreign mining (such as P.T. Nusa Halmahera Minerals) to pay for free education, the students demanded the rejection of the BHP Bill, now before parliament; the revision of Sisdiknas UU 2003; higher prices for local products such as cloves, nutmeg, chocolate and copra; higher workers' pay; lower fuel and oil prices; along with subsidies for poor fisherfolk.

LMND also organised a protest of 300 students and poor farmers around the ``Nationalise the foreign mining companies'' in Maubere, Flores, on February 25.

On February 29, Papernas Sulteng carried out an action around the demand of the ``Nationalisation of foreign mining is a road out of the energy crisis and the domestic industry''. The action that was held in the centre of the Palu City (the Hasanuddin Roundabout) with drew about 40 people and also focussed on the
phenomenon of blackouts and the scarcity of fuel oil in the Palu City. DPD-Papernas Sulteng considered that the two crises were a result of the government's lack of seriousness in constructing the national industry.

Apart from being filled up by political speeches from various supporting mass organisations of Papernas, the action was livened up by the appearance happening art from students from the Palu City LMND. Around
25 students from the LMND Labuhan Batu, again took to the streets on March 3 and marched to the
offices of the DPRD Ii Labuhan Batu.

They took to the streets to express the demand for the nationalisation of the foreign mining industry to pay for free education and the resolution of problems of the campus in Labuhan Batu.

Papernas and its affiliates will be mobilising around this demand right through March 2008.

(Source: http://papernas.org/berdikari)

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