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Sejak jatuhnya suharto, beberapa komite aksi menyadari kebutuhan sebuahorganisasi perjuangan yang bergerak secara nasional menyatukan perlawanan mahasiswa bersama rakyat secara sistematis dan terprogram. Komite-komite aksi tersebut, terdiri dari 11 buah termasuk dari Timor Leste, kemudian mendirikan Front Nasional untuk Reformasi Total (FNRT) di pertengahan Mei 1998. Namun usia Front tidaklah panjang. Dii pertengahan 1998 FNRT bubar ditengah Kelesuan dan kebimbangan gerakan, meski komite-komite yang bergabung didalamnya mencoba membentuk lagi sebuah organisasi nasional bernama Alansi Demokratik (ALDEM) pada Agustus 1998. Mereka juga telah berhasil menerbitkan sebuah majalah “ALDEM” satu kali dan menggalang sebuah aksi nasional pada tanggal 14 September 1998 dengan isu Cabut Dwi Fungsi ABRI. Namun nasibnya tak jauh berbeda dengan FNRT, tenggelam di tengah hiruk pikuk gerakan menjelang Sidang Istimewa MPR 1998.Upaya berikutnya adalah pembentukan Front Nasional untuk Demokrasi (FONDASI) pada pertengahan Februari 1999. Buntunya RMNI (Rembug Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia) II di Surabaya dalam persoalan pengambilan momentum Pemilu Juni 1999, memaksa Fondasi untuk mengundang berbagai komite aksi untuk hadir dalam Konggres Mahasiswa di Bogor pada 9-12 Juli 1999. Dari 20 komite aksi yang berasal dari berbagai kota di Indonesia, 19 diantaranya sepakat untuk mendirikan sebuah organisasi nasional demi terwujudnya kesatuan perjuangan gerakan secara nasional. Organisasi tersebut bernama Liga Mahasiswa Nasional Untuk Demokrasi disingkat LMND. Kongres I tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa Perjuangan LMND adalah bagian dari Perjuangan rakyat Indonesia dalam rangka menghancurkan sistem yang anti demokrasi dan mewujudkan masyarakat yang demokratis dan berkeadilan sosial. Tujuan itu juga dinyatakan dalam ideologi organisasi yang disebut demokrasi kerakyatan, yang secara teori dan praktek berpihak kepada mayoritas raakyat, yaitu kaum buruh ,tani dan kaum miskin kota. Hingga sekarang pasca Kongres ke IV LMND telah berdiri di 104 kota di Indonesia.

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Mogok Makan

Indonesian Students on Hunger Strike Against Fuel Price Rise - solidarity needed!

Popular resistance to petrol price rises has been continuously sparking protests around Indonesia. Since the Indonesian government officially announced a fuel price rise on May 23, 2008, resistance has spread across the country.
On May 26, the National Students' League for Democracy (LMND), an affiliate of the National Liberation Party of Unity (PAPERNAS), together with various student organizations started hunger strikes in 14 provinces to refuse fuel price rise as well as to demand the nationalisation of oil and mining industries.
The hunger strike is taking place in campuses in Jakarta, Bandung (West Java province), Salatiga, Purwokerto and Semarang (Central Java province) Surabaya (East Java), Lampung province , Palembang (South Sumatra province), Makassar and Tana Toraja (South Sulawesi), Manado (North Sulawesi), Palu (Central Sulawesi provinces), Kendari (South-east Sulawesi Provinces), Mataram (West Nusatenggara), Labuhan Batu (North Sumatera Provinces), Pekan Baru, Riau Province, Gorontalo (Gorontalo Provinces).
The student actions have gained broad sympathy from students and people living near the hunger strike posts. Students at these posts put up banners proclaiming “Nationalise Mining Industries, Repudiate Foreign Debt and Reject any Government that is Pro-foreign Interest (Golkar and Demokrat party)” received good responses.

In Surabaya at Airlangga University, the hunger strike was opened by riding bicycles around the city. To accompany the hunger strike, some students in the Diponegoro University, Semarang, spread a plain white banner on which people can write their support.
Meanwhile in front of the campus of Social and Political Science Institute (IISIP) in Jakarta, white banner put up at the hunger strike post was quickly filled with writings of support from not only students but also locals who express their grievances of today’s economic situation. Some have even donated some money to support the hunger strike.
A significant number of hunger strikers have had to be taken to the hospital.
May 28: All hunger strikers in Jakarta were ordered to stop their strike after having been diagnosed with digestion problems. “Moreover these strikers were activists that used to actively take to the streets to protest oil price rise, consequently their physiques were weak since the beginning,” said Nugo, Jakarta hunger strike post coordinator.
May 30: In Palembang, 3 out of 6 hunger strikers remain on strike, meanwhile 3 strikers - Reinhard (LMND), Fransiskus (STN), and Tison (SRMI) - in Siantar and one in Semarang had to be taken to hospital. A striker from Lampung, Doni (SRMI), was hospitalised after suddenly fell unconscious.
In Palu, Central Sulawesi, the hunger strike post located at the Provincial House of Representatives building was destroyed during a clash between students and police, when the LMND regional chairperson was beaten and arrested. At the time of writing (May 31), hunger strikes continue in Siantar Riau, Semarang, Salatiga, Kudus, and Semarang.

Please send your solidarity messages to the Indonesian students on hunger strike to: Rudy Hartono arahkiri2009@yahoo.com

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